Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I'm overweight and it's all your fault!!??

I've seen many of my friends share this video with things like "so true", "spot on", etc. While I agree that we should feed our babies/toddlers/kids healthy food (obviously) and give them a foundation for active healthy lifestyles, I feel like this video is all "blame the parents" and it rubbed me the wrong way. At some point this kid became an adult with a brain capable of thinking and reading and researching and making good choices. It's not like the only thing kids learn comes from their parents.

In elementary school I ate ice cream almost everyday after school. When I was in high school I thought it was ok to eat cookies and french fries everyday. I thought bagel sandwiches were super duper healthy. I don't do those things now and I rarely eat bagel sandwiches. Because I know better. Because I don't need that many unhealthy fats and carbs in my life. Because I care about myself. I care about my appearance and I care about my health. No one told me these things. No one sought me out to teach me about fats and carbs and proteins. I researched this stuff on my own. I know that being extremely overweight and inactive isn't healthy. I've heard a lot about "fat shaming" recently... This is not about that.

When I was pregnant I gained 100 pounds. ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. I was over 200 pounds and I'm barely 5'4. It would have been easy to stay around that weight after I gave birth to my son. Eating is awesome, I love eating. I could eat all the time. Sometimes I do. I definitely did when I was pregnant. But I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy when I looked in the mirror or sat down or put on my clothes or saw pictures from the night before. I wasn't happy getting winded from running up a flight of stairs to grab something. I wasn't happy after I finished a meal. I knew what I had to do and if you really think about it (unless someone had a medical issue causing them to gain or maintain weight) we all know what we need to do. I needed to move more. And I needed to eat less. I was eating portions the same size and sometimes larger than my 6 foot 5 boyfriend. That's just not right.

I started eating smaller healthy meals throughout the day. I didn't feel comfortable being all fat up in the gym so I started taking my new baby on hour long walks in the evening. It felt like it took forever. I didn't even notice any real changes until all of a sudden my 3 month pregnant jeans fit. I finally went to a gym. Soon I was a healthy weight for my body. It didn't happen overnight. It took about 7 or 8 months. And I wasn't to my goal weight but I finally felt comfortable. And that's the most important part. While it wasn't easy, I gotta admit that once I got over the first few days it wasn't so bad. I definitely had a bunch of cheat meals in there and messed up (aka donuts and cupcakes) occasionally.  That's OK as long as you DON'T GIVE UP.

I tell you all that so you know I haven't just been small all my life. I was the chubby kid for a while growing up. I've dealt on my own with eating disorders. I went through a whole year at college only eating one tiny meal a day. I've tried lots of diets. The eat less crap move more lifestyle is all that has worked. It's not a diet. It's a life. I know that "You need to make a lifestyle change" sounds daunting. It really doesn't have to be. If you want to change a little, try changing one little thing a day. Take a walk at night or after lunch or in the morning. If you have a dog they will love this. Try eating more fruits and vegetables when you really want to eat something less healthy. Stop with the soda and sugary drinks. Fill up on lean protein and drink more water. And don't give up! Because it will take time to notice change! The lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight. It's a process.

Just please stop blaming the parents. I understand the premise. I get it. But no child of mine will be blaming me for anything when they are 32 years old. You've literally been in control of your life for 14 years. Get a hold of yourself.

Sorry this isn't funny. Better luck next time.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Instagram vs. Real Life and I can't even come up with my own blog posts

I just read this the other day and  Fell in LOVVVEEE so obviously I had to copy it. Did you know I blogged? NO? No one did. I don't really. Blogging is one of those things I was going to get really good at and probably even profit from one day and then I like... forgot to do that. I only have 2 posts prior to this. My first post "This is why I blog" and my sons birthday "My baby's one!". Whenever I write stuff I think "uh thats stupid" and then I don't post it. Except this... hopefully. Lol.

So I love instagram and it really is my real life but maybe, ya know, just like the filtered version sometimes. Here's the unfiltered. I think I need to add #momlife to most of them bc as I was looking for photos to use for this I realized it's just not the same when u have a kid (or kids).  I also realized there aren't as many staged/fake pics as I thought there would be. Which is a good thing, right? This may also be bc kids don't give you enough time to think about and/or execute those kinda pics. ;)

1. The look at my cool jewelry post

What I'm going for: Oh hey I just looked down and thought you all would like to see my awesome bracelet arrangement that probably changes on a daily basis bc I have so many bracelets and I'm super cool like that. Like surfer girl cool. Oh and that navy one? I made that. I make bracelets didn't you know? Nbd I have many different hobbies. I have an adorable child too. Look how cute and happy he is. 

What really happened: That adorable child is NOT happy. He's pulling and screaming at my legs and for a millisecond got distracted by something on tv so I took this picture. Thank you tv. I basically just started wearing bracelets. Did I mention I make and sell bracelets now? Well I make them anyways. And I plan to make millions of dollars selling them. MILLIONS. BC I AM DETERMINED. Now WHO WANTS ONE!???! ... Anyone?... Hello? 
2 weeks later I stop making bracelets and taking pictures like this. 

 2. The no-makeup however naturally pretty great at being a mom post
 These are my favorite kinds of posts btw

What I'm going for: I'm not wearing makeup. Not bc I don't have time to put makeup on (bc I obviously have everything so together and organized that I have plenty of time to put makeup on should I so choose to) no no no it's bc I don't need it!! See!?! I'm just super happy and rested and tan and glowy and oh look at that my son is happily eating dinner (that I made bc I cook) and drinking his bottle and life is just BLISS. MOM LIFE ROCKS. 

What really happened: Filter happened. That small glimmer of light in my eye was a small gift from God bc he certainly knows I did not look like that on that given evening. Sigh. My son's blurred out bc he probably has ketchup all over his hands and face bc that's what goes on almost everything he eats. Ketchup. Not even organic ketchup. I am a failure. I'm tired. You wanna see another pic I took in this same little photoshoot? 


3. The my kid is cuter/cooler than any other kid ever post

What I'm going for: A baby in a hooded onesie and a puffy vest?! Staahhpp I can't take it. He's the coolest kid ever! He's already standing and walking around?! Wow! Look at that face! He's all "Yo mom can u chill with the pics for a minute" It looks like he's literally about to start talking. Cutest thing EVER!

What really happened: He's literally pooping right now. That's his poop face. 

 4. The hippie lovechild selfie post

What I'm going for: I am such a hippie y'all. Like not the "doesn't shower, doesn't wear shoes, does drugs, free love" kinda hippie. No. The other kinda of hippie. The kind of hippie that's also kind of like a gypsy but not in the "has no home moves around a lot and steals" kind of way. This is getting confusing. I'm like a one love flower child free bird hippie/gypsy. That wears flowers in her hair and dances in fields (orrrr my kitchen) without a care in the world because I'm just so happy and stress-free. Peace and love y'all. Peace and LOVE.

What really happened: I believe it was a date night. That explains the makeup. I had just bought a new flower headband, as you can see. I'm thinking: "What a waste of $12. Where the fuck am I gonna wear this headband?" WAIT! IT'S SUNDAY! OMG PERFECT! #SELFIESUNDAY. Now get this thing off me it itches like crazy. Haven't worn it since. 

5. The I make all my own baby food and my baby loves it post

What I'm going for: Oh you feed your baby processed foods? Yikes, you poor thing. Here let me help you I have recipes. Recipes that are easy for mom and BABY APPROVED. Seriously look at my kid. He's eating cauliflower and DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT. It's so good I'm like a wiz in the kitchen. My kid is so lucky he's got me to look after his dietary needs. 

What really happened: Two spoons? Why does he need two spoons? Oh bc that way he can fling it all over the walls twice as fast. I think he tried a bite. I also think he was probably already full from the french fries and pizza he ate. The evidence is right there on the tray. French fries. And. Pizza. Motherhood SHAME. Guess who ate the cauliflower mashed potatoes (or what was left of them)... ME. They actually were really good but that's not the point. WHY WONT MY KID EAT VEGETABLES

6. The casual bikini in my bedroom pose (mirror image of COURSE)

What I'm going for: My new bikini just arrived in the mail and I seriously cannot WAIT to wear it and show you guys. So much so in fact that I am going to put it on RIGHT NOW and casually snap a pic in my closet mirror, mirror image that shit, and post it. BAM. Is it summer yet? Ps omg isn't my hair getting LONG I'm like a mermaid over here. Mermaids swim year round you know. And they probably have abs. Oh hey kinda like me LOL #mermaidlife. Just look at my mermaid tan! I'll just quietly hashtag #abs and #fitmom but really this isn't a post about my body and how much I've been working out it's all about the bikini... duh.

What really happened: I got a new bikini in the mail, yes. I actually got 3 bikinis in the mail so you can imagine how many pics are on my phone of me posing in different bikinis. The answer is 13 which I know is a little disappointing. This number would be way higher if I didn't have an impatient child to watch over and entertain. Then I texted almost ALL OF THEM to a friend whom I trust and will remain nameless. "Should I post this? Idk..." aka send me confidence and complements via text message bc I need some sorta confirmation. "Omg MILF" Ok I feel better. She suggest mirror imaging it. Brilliant! She suggests using this other photo I sent her. Um no way cuz #abs. My hair is extensions. There is a huge crease in it right above the cropping line from my ponytail. Thank God for filters bc I am pale as a ghost. If you could see my eyes it looks like I haven't slept in days. #momlife

7. The adorable sleeping baby post

What I'm going for: Look at my perfect sleeping angel baby. God I love him. 

What really happened: Look at my perfect sleeping angel baby. God I love him. SHHH DONT WAKE HIM UP HE'S A MONSTER ;)

Friday, February 28, 2014

My Baby's First Birthday

My baby turned one yesterday and I am filled with emotion. I've never been happier in my whole life. I oftentimes find myself sad but for the same happy reasons. I'm sad that its all going so fast. I'm sad that my baby is now a toddler but at the same time this toddler time is my favorite by far! He's starting to walk, talk, cuddle on purpose, give kisses, hugs... His sweetness is enough to make me cry all in itself. I AM A WALKING HUMAN EMOTIONAL BASKET CASE.


I am so lucky and blessed to have my family and to be so in love with my family. Honestly this was my only goal in life; to have a full, loving, unbroken family. Growing up in a strangely broken home is what led to that goal. So maybe now I can set new goals lol. Career goals... life goals... something to make my man and child proud.

So much has happened the past year. I cannot wait for the years to come!

(but if the years want to slow down a little I'm ok with that too.:))